

Glasscubes Ltd

How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes
How it works: Glasscubes

How smart teams use online workspaces to work better together and get the job done. You use Zoom to facilitate collaboration with other people, Glasscubes extends this and gives you a rich set of functionality to compliement Zoom.


  • Quickly setup new Zoom meetings from with Glasscubes calendars and manage existing Zoom meetings without leaving Glasscubes account enabling you to better manage all events and meeetings across all your Glasscubes activities.
  • Combine a central ‘go-to’ file repository with powerful document management functionality for fast, simple and secure file sharing.
  • Easily assign tasks and priorities, to individuals or groups. A transparent environment that manages your team’s activity, their engagement and progress.
  • Connect your distributed team in a user-friendly online workspace. Organise communication, encourage collaboration and improve teamwork.
  • Build a hub that’s inexpensive, quick to implement that actually encourages social interaction. It’s ideal for groups that want to stay informed and increase productivity.
  • Customise and brand portals that provide an efficient way to collaborate, by securely storing and sharing information outside of your organisation's firewall.
  • Create a culture of idea-sharing and innovation by giving teams the power to create, share and search content, all manged from a central location.
  • Invite your members and affiliates to private interest groups, which help build strong and engaging communities that inspire interaction.
  • The same powerful collaborative functionality that SharePoint has but requires no training, is simple to set-up, quick to deploy and users love it!

We pride ourselves on how easy and intuitive Glasscubes is to use. Our support is often highlighted by customers as among the very best that they have experienced

Developer Resources
Privacy & Compliance
User role
Any user
Zoom account eligibility
Login to check
Permissions - App can view information
Associated with you

May include user name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job information, stated locale, account, user ID, contact lists added by the account or user (which may include contact information a user imports from a third-party app), and other profile information.

May include access to calendar of scheduled Zoom meetings and webinars, and related details about those meetings and webinars.

Preferences and settings, which may include whether a passcode or a waiting room is required, permitted event capacity, screen sharing settings, and other settings and configuration information.

Associated with you and others who participate in Zoom experiences with you

May include name, display name, email address, phone number, user ID, and other profile information.

Content generated in Zoom products, which may include audio, video, messages, transcriptions, feedback, responses to polls and Q&A, and files, and related context , such as invitation details, meeting or chat name, and meeting agenda.

Information people provide when registering for a Zoom meeting, webinar or recording, which may include name and contact information, responses to registration questions, and other registration information.

Information about how people and their devices interact with Zoom products, which may include when participants join/leave, whether participants sent messages and who they message with, performance data, and other usage information and metrics.

Permissions - App can manage information
Associated with you and others who participate in Zoom experiences with you

Manage content and information generated in the context of Zoom experiences, which may include audio, video, messages, meeting or chat name, agenda, transcriptions, and responses to polls and Q&A.

Manage participants, which may include assigning participants to specific breakout rooms and specifying an interpreter for the session.

Manage registration information, which may include scheduling Zoom experiences or adding or deleting registrants.

This app can access the following information anytime including outside of a Zoom experience and when the app is not actively in use.


meeting:write, meeting:read



Essential Apps
These apps have paid features that are available for free for Pro, Business, and Business+ accounts.