Primer season 5, CO., LTD.
Primer Meetup is only available in Korea and is only available in Korean.
You can use Primer Meetup to conveniently manage meeting appointments with people.
When an appointment is confirmed, it automatically synchronizes the appointment with the Google Calendar, and you can create a Zoom meeting at the same time.
All data will only be used for appointment management.
Primer Meetup을 활용하여 여러사람과의 미팅약속을 편리하게 관리해보세요
약속이 확정되는 경우 자동으로 구글캘린더에 약속을 동기화해주며, 동시에 Zoom 미팅을 생성할 수 있습니다.
동기화 되어진 데이터는 오직 약속관리를 위해서만 사용되어집니다.
May include user name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job information, stated locale, account, user ID, contact lists added by the account or user (which may include contact information a user imports from a third-party app), and other profile information.
Preferences and settings, which may include whether a passcode or a waiting room is required, permitted event capacity, screen sharing settings, and other settings and configuration information.
Information about how people and their devices interact with Zoom products, which may include when participants join/leave, whether participants sent messages and who they message with, performance data, and other usage information and metrics.
Manage content and information generated in the context of Zoom experiences, which may include audio, video, messages, meeting or chat name, agenda, transcriptions, and responses to polls and Q&A.
Manage participants, which may include assigning participants to specific breakout rooms and specifying an interpreter for the session.
Manage registration information, which may include scheduling Zoom experiences or adding or deleting registrants.