Would you like to meet for lunch? With Manyone Lunchclub, you can get to know your colleagues better through a series of random, fun and thoughtful questions. Grab some lunch, start Zoom and launch the app. Then take turns answering the questions provided by Manyone Lunchclub. Bon appétit!
Manyone Lunchclub is inspired by Denkwerk’s amazing facilitation tool, tscheck.
© Manyone 2022
May include access to calendar of scheduled Zoom meetings and webinars, and related details about those meetings and webinars.
Information that is necessary for the app to function properly, which may include your Zoom user ID, session IDs, meeting role, and other basic identifiers and information about your meeting, webinar, or chat.
Information about how people and their devices interact with Zoom products, which may include when participants join/leave, whether participants sent messages and who they message with, performance data, and other usage information and metrics.
Zoom App