Splash Virtual Event Page Integration

Splash Virtual Event Page Integration


How it works: Splash Virtual Event Page Integration
How it works: Splash Virtual Event Page Integration
How it works: Splash Virtual Event Page Integration
How it works: Splash Virtual Event Page Integration

Allows integrating Splash's Virtual Event Page (VEP) integration with in-browser Zoom meetings. This app exists for the sole purpose of providing the needed keys to initialize the Zoom Web SDK. It is not intended to be used by users directly and it will not be made visible in any way.

Splash's VEP is a feature to allow customers have online events, and it offers Zoom as one of the technologies to implement meetings.

Splash's customers will have the ability to setup online/virtual events and setup a Zoom meeting on it. Then, Splash's customers will be able to register to the event and, when the date comes, they will get access to the organizer's Zoom meeting via the Zoom Web SDK, without requiring their own Zoom account.

Developer Resources
Privacy & Compliance
User role
Any user
Zoom account eligibility
Login to check
Permissions - App can view information
Associated with you

May include user name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job information, stated locale, account, user ID, contact lists added by the account or user (which may include contact information a user imports from a third-party app), and other profile information.

This app can access the following information anytime including outside of a Zoom experience and when the app is not actively in use.



Essential Apps
These apps have paid features that are available for free for Pro, Business, and Business+ accounts.