Streavent for Zoom

Streavent for Zoom


How it works: Streavent for Zoom
How it works: Streavent for Zoom
How it works: Streavent for Zoom
How it works: Streavent for Zoom
How it works: Streavent for Zoom
How it works: Streavent for Zoom

Only offered for German-speaking countries

Integrate with Streavent workshops

Add Streavent event workshop rooms in our CMS to automatically create Zoom meetings. Those can then be joined by attendants in the Streavent event platform just like a normal Zoom meeting outside the platform.

Developer Resources
Privacy & Compliance
User role
Any user
Zoom account eligibility
Login to check
Permissions - App can view information
Associated with you

May include user name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job information, stated locale, account, user ID, contact lists added by the account or user (which may include contact information a user imports from a third-party app), and other profile information.

Permissions - App can manage information
Associated with you

Manage account profile and contact information, which may include adding or removing users, or updating a user's role, group, name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job information, location, and other profile information if authorized by a user with appropriate permissions.

Manage preferences and settings on the account or profile using the app, which may include updating meeting and webinar configuration preferences, email notification preferences, and configuring Zoom Phone, Zoom Room, and telephony devices.

Associated with you and others who participate in Zoom experiences with you

Manage content and information generated in the context of Zoom experiences, which may include audio, video, messages, meeting or chat name, agenda, transcriptions, and responses to polls and Q&A.

Manage participants, which may include assigning participants to specific breakout rooms and specifying an interpreter for the session.

Manage registration information, which may include scheduling Zoom experiences or adding or deleting registrants.

This app can access the following information anytime including outside of a Zoom experience and when the app is not actively in use.




user:write, user_zak:read

Essential Apps
These apps have paid features that are available for free for Pro, Business, and Business+ accounts.