The Predictive Index

The Predictive Index

The Predictive Index

How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
How it works: The Predictive Index
Works In:
  • Streamline your one-on-one meeting experience by embedding your agenda in Zoom.
  • Collaborate between meetings in PI Perform, a product under the Predictive Index umbrella, to co-create agendas so everyone comes prepared and on the same page.
  • Streamline communication and prevent misalignment by documenting decisions made, next steps, and ownership without leaving Zoom.
  • PI Perform will automatically distribute meeting summaries to attendees, saving you time spent on post-meeting follow-up.
  • Build accountability and eliminate status updates. Nudges hold the team accountable to deadlines and keep you informed as work progresses.
  • Provide your team with continuous feedback to foster growth—PI Perform enables frequent, lightweight, and honest communication.
  • Charma rebranded to PI Perform and is now under The Predictive Index umbrella of products
Developer Resources
Privacy & Compliance
User role
Any user
Zoom account eligibility
Login to check
Permissions - App can view information
Associated with you

May include user name, display name, picture, email address, phone number, job information, stated locale, account, user ID, contact lists added by the account or user (which may include contact information a user imports from a third-party app), and other profile information.

Preferences and settings, which may include whether a passcode or a waiting room is required, permitted event capacity, screen sharing settings, and other settings and configuration information.

Associated with you and others who participate in Zoom experiences with you

Information that is necessary for the app to function properly, which may include your Zoom user ID, session IDs, meeting role, and other basic identifiers and information about your meeting, webinar, or chat.

Information about how people and their devices interact with Zoom products, which may include when participants join/leave, whether participants sent messages and who they message with, performance data, and other usage information and metrics.

This app can access the following information anytime including outside of a Zoom experience and when the app is not actively in use.



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