75 results filtered by
By Barker Technologies AB
Add listen-only production comms to your meetings and webinars
By CommentScreen Inc.
Make presentations fun
Integrate Zoom with your LITEVIEW account to expand your content business.
By Relate Research and Technology
Bring sales discipline to your meeting with in-private feedback, product research and fulfilment.
By Spoke App
Meeting Bot as a Service. Get Zoom data at scale for your users by using meeting bots.
By Filevine
This app will use a meeting bot to stream audio to a service which will provide near real time transcription and other AI insight data.
A tax consultant e-learning platform
By cherryware GmbH
Create exciting intros for your presentation with animations, countdown, music themes and bridge the waiting time in a very impressive manner.
By JotCast
Enhance your live events with our advanced chat moderation tools. Increase follower engagement while still maintaining control with JotCast.
By SignalTuner
Fix connection issues. Have better, clearer Zoom meetings. Tune-up your signal with SignalTuner.
By Lanes AI LLC
Lanes is the scenario-based app for full-fledged virtual training inside Zoom. It provides all necessary activities, tech-savvy tools and analytics.
By QuickLink
Adds Zoom source to QuickLink platform
By Aspen
Sending recording bots to your meetings
By Ricoh Co., Ltd.
360°&4K映像の配信で、わかりやすい遠隔臨場が可能。360°映像で現場の全体像をつかみ、スマートフォンやウェアラブルカメラで詳細映像を閲覧可能です。360° & 4K video enables remote presence.
By VideoCom (Rubberduck Labs)
Individual clean NDI® videofeeds of your Zoom participants