377 results filtered by
By Omcean Booking
Booking software for yoga and fitness studios.
By FutureSchole
LIVEKLASS is online learning platform.
Use Zoom for scheduling and hosting online meetings from WCONLINE.
By BlueSky Apps
🙋 Automatically take attendance in your meetings & webinars. Download or email XLS and CSV reports to track who joined & participated.
By Optify Coaching
Scheduling service provided by Optify to assign Zoom meetings to bookings.
By Powerbox Inc.
Cohort-based learning platform
By Architechpro OÜ
Integrate your Shopify courses with Zoom
By Mupi Systems
Use your own Zoom account to present lectures scheduled in MinhaSala
By Jeli
Jeli is a one-stop incident response tool.
By Zoom
Enables Zoom to be a LTI provider supporting v1.1 of the LTI standard
By Nearpod
Integrate Zoom into Nearpod to easily start Zoom meetings from within your Live Participation Nearpods and have your students join both with one code.
This app is to book online lessons conducted by instructor and student from the Fruitful English website.
A comprehensive suite of professional learning tools for educators to manage the entire coaching cycle.
By Acteon Communication and Learning
Maintain your organization’s momentum and continuity with the Breeio LMS integrated with Zoom
By ClassOnLive
Zoom Authorization app to manage Zoom rooms in Classonlive
By ClubRight Ltd.
Automate the setting up of Zoom meetings through the diary. Automatically deliver these to your members by email and through the member area and app.
By Accredible
Accredible allows you to deliver digital certificates, badges and blockchain credentials to meeting and webinar attendees.
By Seismic
Integrate your Seismic Learning and Zoom accounts for seamless creation of virtual training events within Seismic Learning.
By Adservio
Most popular tool for learning management system in Romania
By GiraffePad Ltd.
Create Zoom meetings for your learning events and share them with your learners directly from within your GiraffePad account.
By Product Force, Inc.
Seamlessly integrate Unii Research interviews with Zoom meetings.
By e-Learning WMB Ltd
The Open eLMS app enables the timetabling and delivery of live face to face learning sessions from inside the Open eLMS learning platform.
By Soar
With Soar + Zoom your content is automatically searchable on Alexa and Google Assistant. Easily search your recordings by just asking a question!
By Virtually
Accurately track attendance for your Zoom meetings
By Cademy Group Ltd.
Automatically create Zoom meetings for your online classes on Cademy.io
By Torch Leadership Labs
Use your enterprise Zoom account for all of your coaching and mentoring sessions on Torch.
By Brainier Solutions, Inc
The Brainier app is for current Brainier LMS SaaS customers to integrate Zoom meetings with their Live Instructor Led Training courses in the LMS.
By Poll Everywhere
Create engaging presentations that work seamlessly with your slideware using the Poll Everywhere app for Zoom
By Litmos
#1 Training Platform for Customer Focused Enterprises
By Wonderway GmbH
Real sales coaching on EVERY. SINGLE. CALL.