351 results filtered by
By Virtually
Accurately track attendance for your Zoom meetings
By CourseNetworking (CN)
Manage homework, assignments, grades, and quizzes, all inside of Zoom.
By PushtoLearn
Get access to Zoom meetings from PushtoLearn teacher’s account to schedule and manage meetings from our learning management system.
By SchoolTracs Ltd
SchoolTracs helps the education centers to issue receipts and scheduling classes - and integrates seamlessly with Zoom
By Kona
Kona is an AI-powered coach for remote managers. It will take notes for you in 1:1s and provide advice on how to improve the meeting.
By Styrax Technologies
This integration will allow teachers using e-Skool learning management system (LMS) to schedule meetings and invite students from within the LMS.
By MentorJar LLC
We’ve made it simple to connect with the mentor you need
By QuizFlight
Take your training to the next level with QuizFLIGHT!
By Skillest
Skillest connects you with the best sports coaches across the world for online coaching, training, and remote video analysis.
By Edcast
With this app you will be able to manage virtual meetings of course events on our platform automatically
By Flexge
Flexge calendar events with Zoom meeting links
By Trainery
Zoom integration is to facilitate Instructor-Led Trainings (ILT) for clients of Trainery1 LMS. LMS application enables to create & manage ILT courses.
By Lessonly
Integrate your Lessonly and Zoom accounts for seamless creation of virtual training events within Lessonly.
By Dream See Do
Blended training & coaching platform
By Figbox
Figbox connects users with each other and secure virtual information sessions on Google Meet and Zoom with one another.
By Tesseract Learning
KREDO is a learning platform, and we use Zoom to host virtual training.
By Cornerstone On-Demand
Create, manage, and launch Zoom Meetings and Webinars seamlessly through the SumTotal Learning Management platform.
By Compendium360
Live Session integration via Zoom
By FutureNext GmbH
Virtualbadge.io's Zoom integration automates issuing digital certificates and badges to event, training and webinar participants
By CoachBase
Online coaching platform offering Coaches the ability to connect their personal Zoom account
Access your meetings on Google Glass EE2
By Cademy Group Ltd.
Automatically create Zoom meetings for your online classes on Cademy.io
By Lyearn
Lyearn integrates with Zoom to provide seamless ILT experience to the learners of Lyearn's client academy.
By Path Education Inc.
Streamline your virtual classroom workflows by launching Zoom meetings from within Path App.
Platform for students with a collaborative online learning and lectures
By Mentornity
Mentoring Software for organizations to make mentoring programs measurable and effective.
By Zstar Education Ltd
An online community for establishing accessible, interactive educational resources and empowering global educators and learners.
By Riipen
Connecting businesses and educators with students for real-world project-based learning opportunities.
By TeachFX
Empowering teachers with data on student engagement
By Quipper
Bring the best education to your students by creating virtual classrooms with Zoom directly from Quipper School LINK.