310 results filtered by
By School Pathways LLC
Connect Zoom and School Pathways’ software to automatically track synchronous instruction meetings and facilitate streamlined reporting.
By ManageBac LLC
Allow teachers to easily schedule online lessons and events using Zoom within the ManageBac Learning Management System.
By BlueSky Apps
Timers, Countdowns, Clocks, Agendas & Stopwatch easily shared directly in your Zoom meetings & webinars! Audio and visual alerts and more.
By Mentimeter
Create meaningful engagement with live Polls, Q&A & Wordclouds for students and meeting participants with interactive presentations directly in Zoom.
By Scribble LLC
A simple, elegant whiteboard. Beloved by tutors, teachers, teams, grandparents and kids of all ages. Anyone can join via the web, extra great with iOS
By Schoox Inc.
In Schoox you can connect your Academy profile with your Zoom webinar account in order to create Live Session events.
By Symposium
The Symposium Events app lets you to schedule, join and manage Webinars within your Symposium event management system using your own Zoom account.
By FutureSchole
LIVEKLASS is online learning platform.
Use Zoom for scheduling and hosting online meetings from WCONLINE.
🙋 Automatically take attendance in your meetings & webinars. Download or email XLS and CSV reports to track who joined & participated.
By Powerbox Inc.
Cohort-based learning platform
By Cinamaker, Inc
The all-in-one multi-camera live, recording & editing Studio to create engaging Zoom Meetings, Webinars, Events - no matter your experience level
In Schoox you can connect your personal profile with your Zoom webinar account in order to create Live Session events.
By Morphcast Inc.
Gain engagement & attention insights of Zoom experience with Emotion AI
By ClassFill Dot Com LLC
Modern class management meets remote learning
By Mupi Systems
Use your own Zoom account to present lectures scheduled in MinhaSala
By Zoom
Enables Zoom to be a LTI provider supporting v1.1 of the LTI standard
By Nearpod
Integrate Zoom into Nearpod to easily start Zoom meetings from within your Live Participation Nearpods and have your students join both with one code.
This app is to book online lessons conducted by instructor and student from the Fruitful English website.
A comprehensive suite of professional learning tools for educators to manage the entire coaching cycle.
By ClassOnLive
Zoom Authorization app to manage Zoom rooms in Classonlive
By Accredible
Accredible allows you to deliver digital certificates, badges and blockchain credentials to meeting and webinar attendees.
By Adservio
Most popular tool for learning management system in Romania
By GiraffePad Ltd.
Create Zoom meetings for your learning events and share them with your learners directly from within your GiraffePad account.
By Click & Pledge
Accept payments & donations from registrants prior to events, meetings and webinars
By e-Learning WMB Ltd
The Open eLMS app enables the timetabling and delivery of live face to face learning sessions from inside the Open eLMS learning platform.
By Wolfeo
We offer a CRM for entrepreneurs to handle their marketing communication.
By Virtually
Accurately track attendance for your Zoom meetings
By Cademy Group Ltd.
Automatically create Zoom meetings for your online classes on Cademy.io
By Danzpeople
Danz People is a dance studio based in Singapore with the aim of setting up a global streaming platform that delivers virtual learning and events for